At Touchpoints at Chestnut our social worker, nursing team, therapy and care center leadership work
hand in hand to help newly admitted residents adjust to becoming members of their new community.
This concerned, invested and dedicated professional will meet with residents and families early and often, starting with the admission process and moving to a resident centered, inter-disciplinary meeting within 72 hours of admission.
This meeting and much of the team’s work is geared towards a safe and successful discharge home or to the next site of care.
The Social Worker meets with residents on a one-to-one basis and serve as a liaison between staff and families. They are here to answer questions and offer support and guidance to our residents and their families all along the way.
Congestive Heart Failure Rehabilitation
A Touchpoints Rehab Signature Program
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program
Consultation by Board Certified Pulmonologists, Sleep Medicine Specialist and Respiratory Therapist
Respite Care Services
Caregiver Support - Care for a loved one during a vacation or for a restful break
"Prehab" Program and Post-surgical Orthopedic Care
Touchpoints Therapy - Rehabilitation Services
Skilled Nursing and Sub-Acute Programs
Dining Experience - Dietary Services
Social Services, Care and Discharge Planning
Therapeutic Recreation Programs